Practical ESG Strategies

Strength in Sustainability

We aim to transform the world by enabling organizations to become ESG Leaders. We believe that social consciousness and environmental sustainability are key to organizational resilience.

Environmental, Social, and Governance

In less than 20 years, the ESG movement has grown from a corporate social responsibility initiative launched by the United Nations into a global phenomenon representing more than US$30 trillion in assets under management.

How We Can Help

We offer education and training sessions to advance your knowledge of ESG factors; how these can help your organization (businesses of all sizes, private or public, non-profits, NGOs, unions, governments) fulfill its mission.

We consult on industry-relevant risks and opportunities, the development of ESG strategies, and
the implementation of practical ESG solutions to ensure your organization continues to thrive in this changing world.


ESG Aware

For individuals, businesses, non-profits, NGO's, unions, and governments who want to understand what ESG is about, how ESG factors may impact their organizations, and how having an ESG strategy can help them thrive

  • The distinction between Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and ESG, explained
  • ESG Frameworks, Standards, Guidance, and Ratings clarified
  • Sector specific ESG risks and opportunities
  • Have us come and talk to you as part of your Leadership Team Sessions, Personal/Professional Development Events, Lunch and Learn, Networking Events, Conferences, Workshops.

Become an

ESG Adopter

For ESG Aware organizations interested in launching their own ESG strategy journey. We will guide you in:

  • Identifying material Environmental, Social and Governance factors for your organization; how to manage risks and take advantage of opportunities
  • Identifying your stakeholders and considering engagement
  • Developing commitments on focus areas, establishing goals and objectives and continuously reviewing your progress
  • Communicating your strategy to interested audiences

Become an

ESG Leader

For organizations who believe in active and transparent sustainability and ESG strategy management. We will lead you in every aspect of ESG strategy and the reporting cycle by assisting with:

  • Active stakeholder engagement
  • Quantitative assessment of material ESG factors
  • Benchmarking
  • SMART goals
  • Scenario Analysis
  • Reporting in line with current best practices (GRI, SASB™, TCFD or as per client’s needs)

Additional Services

  • Energy Consumption calculations
  • Emission Calculations
  • Carbon Neutral Considerations
  • Carbon Offset options
  • ESG data request support
  • Stakeholder support (for stakeholders being engaged in a sustainability/ESG consultation process)
  • E&S input to integrated financial reports
  • In-house ESG Manager training and support

Get In Touch

Please fill out the form below to send us an email.
A member of our team will contact you within one business day.

    Environmental Factors

    From greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, consumption of natural resources and waste production, to the physical and transitional impact of climate change, organizations are now expected by their stakeholders to understand environmental risks and opportunities as well as to manage them.

    Social Factors

    Social factors such as labour management relations, diversity and equal opportunity, training and education, health and safety and community impact are key to an organizations success now and in the future.

    Governance Factors

    Governance factors encompass the processes by which an organization is directed and held to account through transparency and fair business dealings with all stakeholders. Securities commissions have clear expectations in this area.